Teacher leadership in professional learning communities (PLCs)


The impact of teacher leadership in professional learning communities

Professional learning communities (PLCs) have become crucial to educational reform, offering teachers regular chances to work together, discuss their craft, and improve practice. At the heart of the PLC process is teacher leadership — a fluid, integral role that enables teachers to lead their schools in collaboration and continuous improvement.

What are professional learning communities (PLCs)?

Professional learning communities are teams of educators that meet regularly to exchange knowledge, tackle obstacles, and work together to improve teaching practice & student results. Central to their approach are a shared vision, the use of data and analytics in decision-making, and an emphasis on outcomes. PLCs are not your run-of-the-mill meetings that you can sleep through!

Core principles of PLCs

  • Collaboration: Teachers collaborate, problem-solve together, and share resources to develop new ways of teaching.
  • Continuous improvement: The community evolves at a consistent pace, learning from each iteration and improving upon the last.
  • Student-centered approach: The purpose of practice is to increase students’ achievement through more effective instruction.

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 The role of teacher leadership in PLCs

PLCs require teacher leadership to work. The common purpose for teacher leaders is that they inspire, facilitate, and guide their peers to achieve shared goals. They don’t just manage tasks, but cultivate an environment of trust, mutual responsibility, and respect.

Responsibilities of teacher leaders

  • Conducting meetings: Keeping meetings on track.
  • Reflecting on our approach: Having it being modeled for us and thriving in a breeding ground of experimentation.
  • Mentoring peers: guiding and supporting other teachers, especially newer or less effective teachers.
  • Driving accountability: Delivering on goals and promises.

Characteristics of successful teacher leaders

  • Collaborative mindset: Team player, good at building consensus.
  • Strong communicators: They have strong communication skills, share ideas well, and communicate openly.
  • Adaptable: They are willing to change and consider new ways to ensure that the PLC responds to needs.
  • Growth minded: They always want to improve, and never stop learning about new things.

This sets TeachersConnect apart from the rest: it is a tool that connects theory with reality on the ground for PLC-based educators. Driven by tools and programs designed to work as a catalyst For teacher leaders to interact productively and consistently significant alteration.

Benefits of teacher leadership in PLCs

Enhancing teacher agency

Empowerment in this context also boosts teacher-leader motivation and reduces turnover.

Building a collaborative culture

Teachers feel connected and supported, which enables them to identify challenges but also share successes.

Driving instructional improvement

When teacher leaders help peers establish evidence-based practices, that leadership action benefits classroom instruction and student outcomes.

Promoting distributed leadership

School becomes a more democratic consultation place with the participation of teachers in leadership.

Empowering professional growth

Teacher leaders offer colleagues opportunities to learn, stretch, and be better. If we create conditions of a growth mindset PLCs become centers of professional learning.

TeachersConnect gives educators a place to find meaningful answers, exchange knowledge, and form enduring professional relationships. This collaboration increases the effect of teacher leadership in PLCs to influence change and lead.

Challenges in teacher leadership within PLCs

While teacher leadership is important, it is not without its obstacles.

Balancing leadership and teaching responsibilities

Many teacher leaders also double their leadership duties with teaching responsibilities, making the boiling pot much easier to boil over.

Resistance to change

Acora leaders must handle this resistance diplomatically, and perhaps even let reluctant teachers keep on being reluctant.

Lack of administrative support

Teacher leaders may face difficulty in implementing changes or securing needed resources without a sufficient school leader champion.

Varying levels of engagement

As a result, not all members of the PLC are actively participating which in turn slows progress and can be highly frustrating for leadership.

Time constraints

Effective leadership in PLCs takes time. Time needed to collaboratively organize, plan and implement together more deeply in hair on fire teaching lives or in a myriad of other meaningful school activities is still the number one request.

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Strategies for fostering effective teacher leadership in PLCs

Provide leadership training

Professional work will not harm, schools must provide professional development opportunities for staff to develop the necessary leadership skills-work through conflict and consensus-building-facilitation-process-and use data.

Ensure administrative support

They must support our lead teachers with their time, resources and public praise.

Establish clear goals and roles

A common vision and clear expectations help all PLC members know what they will contribute and to work from the same page so that no one strays.

Create a culture of trust

Teacher leaders must create a space of value where colleagues will feel loved and protected to verbally contribute their views.

Utilize data effectively

Fostering data-driven teacher leaders guides PLC efforts in the right direction towards effectiveness and relevancy.

Encourage peer mentorship

This practice helps spread leadership more broadly across the team and develops capacity within a PLC through teacher leader and colleague partnering.

Use technology for collaboration

However, with the use of digital tools such as collaborative platforms, shared documents, and virtual meetings teacher leaders can pull off discussions in large or remote PLCs and share resources fine-tuned to fit anything specific the collaborating teachers are expecting to get from a “leader” within their collaboration.

Real-world examples of teacher leadership in PLCs

Leading curriculum redesign

For example, in a middle school PLC, a teacher leader took on the redesign of the math curriculum by leading planning sessions and incorporating feedback from fellow team members.

Driving data-driven instruction

For example, a science teacher at the high school analyzed student performance data and led his PLC to determine areas of strengths and gaps in student achievement and they developed strategies to address them together.

Mentoring new teachers

A teacher leader at an elementary school arranged peer observations and individual coaching for new teachers, in addition to other supports, to give them a gradual entry.

Promoting equity in classrooms

A teacher leader at a racially and socioeconomically diverse urban school led equity-focused PLCs to help fellow educators reflect on bias, access best practices for culturally responsive teaching, and develop awareness of adultism.


Teacher leadership is a foundational element of effective professional learning communities. PLCs foster a culture of organized sharing, innovation, and growth wherein educators are empowered to drive the process. Obviously, obstacles exist — but they can be overcome with well-designed solutions and robust administrative backing.

Creating opportunities for teacher leadership to take root ensures that our PLCs remain potent and grow stronger every day, allowing all stakeholders in a system to innovate as cultures of balmy heat where even the most fragile seeds can mature into majestic towers. By promoting teacher-led initiatives, schools can have long-term impact on teaching practices and student outcomes by building a culture of collegial growth and shared accountability.

Become a member of TeachersConnect, a professional learning community, and enhance your leadership journey while empowering others.

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