Back-to-School Survival Guide: Part Four – Ice Breakers & Fun Lesson Plans for Back to School

TeachersConnect’s “Back-to-School Survival Guide” is a four-part series that deals with topics most teachers face in their first few weeks of school.

A crew of experienced teachers reviewed relevant scholastic papers, searched personal resources, and combed through the TeachersConnect community and other online sites to find the best resources for all your back-to-school needs. The result is a concise guide—in four stand-alone modules—full of valuable back-to-school resources, just for you!

The goal of this guide: get tips and tricks you need to start the year with confidence and joy.

Part Four: Ice Breakers & Fun Lesson Plans for Back to School of the Survival Guide has resources to help you get to know your students and lessons for short schedules or extra class time. Build classroom morale and student-to-student bonds with team-building exercises or discover surprising needs by having students set goals!

Good luck with the your journey as a teacher this year and we hope that this series has helped you!