A dream job for every teacher. A dream teacher for every student.

Our goal is simple: create an online space where teachers can team up, grow, and take care of themselves. We use technology to offer top-notch training and wellness resources, helping teachers excel in their careers while staying happy and healthy.

We seek a world where teachers love their jobs and bring more joy to their classrooms. At TeachersConnect, we're building a lively community where educators can thrive, not just survive. Happier teachers inspire students, creating a greater impact on society.

TeachersConnect started as one teacher’s quest to empower educators everywhere with the tools they need to succeed, grow, and love their career for the long haul.

Click here to see insights from the Teachers Community

The TeachersConnect home team

Uncompromisingly teacher-centric

Michelle Klink


David Cahn

Marketing Vice President

Maria Calva

Project assistant